
Showing posts from April, 2023

Skill set, not degrees, take you far

 Author: Madhu Nallan Chakravarthy SKILL SET, NOT DEGREES, TAKE YOU FAR Suppose you ask your friends how school or college is helping them to achieve their ambitions. In that case, they will probably talk about their performance in obtaining formal qualifications such as A levels, GNVQs (General National Vocational Qualifications), or the prospect of moving on to university to graduate. Some may discuss the professional or work-related qualifications they need for their chosen career and their plans to take a modern apprenticeship and obtain NVQs in various fields. Qualifications are essential as they provide. A skill set is a collection of skills, qualities and experiences that someone develops through life and work. Each individual has a different set of skills depending on their interests, natural abilities and personal attributes. Possessing more skills can help expand your professional competency and allow you to excel in your job. As each skill is different, learning and...